PPS25XM Critical Memory Gauge
Based on Piezo silicon on insulator (SOI) pressure transducer, advanced high temperature electronics technology and electron beam welding technology, this gauge performs well in hostile well conditions from high concentration CO2 or H2S, to high pressure and high temperature.

Sensor Type Silicon on Insulator
Pressure Ranges Up to 30,000 psi
Pressure Accuracy ±0.03% FS
Pressure Resolution 0.0003%
Temperature Rating 177°C (350°F)
Temperature Accuracy ±0.5°C
Temperature Resolution 0.01°C
PPS25XM Specifications (Rev. 02, 2015-02-27)
(Right-click/Option-click to download)

Smart Gauges & Simple Software
Pioneer Petrotech Services Inc. Head Office: Unit 105-1437 47 Ave. NE Calgary AB CANADA T2E 6N7
Phone: (403) 282-7669 Fax: (403) 282-0509 Toll Free in NA: 1-888-PP-GAUGE (774-2843)